Docker alpine smaller image footprint

Working with docker images to minimise the footprint i.e the size if a image. There is a few things that you can do to get smaller images. I will show some examples for a small go and python3 service built in a Debian and alpine linux based image to compare the result and the footprint that a image.

The key to building small docker images is only use one RUN step in the Dockerfile. Why you might think. Every RUN in docker is a layer. The layer will contain what you do in that layer like adding package cache. If you then remove the cache in a later RUN you will still have it in the parent layers. So what you do is use al lot of && in the same RUN and in the end remove the files and cache you don’t need. Selecting the base image will affect you the most when it comes to footprint. I will look on Debian and alpine based images.

I will use the python official images as a reference like python:3.5 that is based on jessie with a size of 694 MB, and the Alpine Linux version python:3.5-alpine with a size of 73 MB .

One of Alpines key features i see other then the base size of 4.8 MB , is virtual package it lets you assign packages to one or multiple virtual packages. When you are done just remove the virtual package.

The reference app is a small rest service returning status 200 with a body containing json {"status": "OK"} for both python and go.

Lets start with creating a image based on the python:3.5 image with a starting size of 694 MB, after build the result is 702.5 MB

FROM python:3.5

# adding code
WORKDIR /app/pikachu
ADD requirements.txt /app/pikachu

# install
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

ADD . /app/pikachu

ENTRYPOINT gunicorn --bind

If we do the same but now use the python:3.5-alpine image with a starting size of 73 MB after build the result is 82 MB . Just using the alpine base you will have saved 612 MB

FROM python:3.5-alpine

# adding code
WORKDIR /app/pikachu
ADD requirements.txt /app/pikachu

# install
RUN apk add --update openssl \
    && apk --update add --no-cache --virtual build-dependencies libc-dev autoconf gcc \
    && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt \
    && rm -rf ~/.cache \
    && apk del build-dependencies

ADD . /app/pikachu

ENTRYPOINT gunicorn --bind

For go we will use 3 base images, Debian, alpine, and scratch. We need to compile go with it’s deps. The resulting file will be about 11 MB

$ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o main .

Lets start with a creating a image based on the debian:8 image with a starting size of 125 MB, after build the result is 136 MB

FROM debian:8
ADD main /
CMD ["/main"]

If we do the same but now use the alpine:3.4 image with a starting size of 4.8 MB after build the result is 16.1 MB

FROM alpine:3.4
ADD main /
CMD ["/main"]

If we now take a look on the scratch base image we have 0 MB as a starting point and the result should be about 11 MB

FROM alpine:3.4
ADD main /
CMD ["/main"]

The conclusion is that if you need to get small images base it on alpine and use the official alpine images that most project like python, java have official version of.

A note here is that most of the official images now have a alpine option The examples can be found here. Source