docker machine and aws in combination with ansible
Initial setup with ansible and docker-machine
. In this case i have been using aws to run a docker host for me created with docker-machine
. I had a goal to provision a ec2 box and have a few docker containers running in that ec2 vm. A note here is that the same way should work on any of the docker-machine
driver there is nothing unique with aws in the way i have done this. From what i know you cant NOT use ansible on boot2docker, i have assumed that there is a full linux vm running.
Since ansible is using a ssh-key i had to add that key to the docker-machine
ec2 vm after it’s created. There is a option to run remote command line commands on a remote docker-machine driver.
first lets create the a driver on amazon ec2. This will create a vm of the type “t2.micro” which is the default type on aws. If you like to change the instance type you can use this “–amazonec2-instance-type”
docker-machine create \
--driver amazonec2 \
--amazonec2-access-key <key> \
--amazonec2-secret-key <key> \
--amazonec2-subnet-id <key> \
--amazonec2-region eu-west-1 \
box \
It can look like this to add your public ssh key to the ec2 vm. I am taking the output of my public ssh key and assigning it to a variable localKey. Then running a remote command with docker-machine
on the driver named ‘box’. The localKey variable is added to the remote box ssh authorized_keys.
localKey=$(cat ~/.ssh/ \
&& docker-machine ssh box "echo "$localKey" >> .ssh/authorized_keys" \
&& eval "$(docker-machine env box)"
To get ansible working now i just have to add the ip of the driver. i am taking the ip of the driver box and assigns it to the variable driverIP that variable it then used to echo the ip in to the configured ansible inventory file.
driverIP=$(docker-machine ip box) \
&& echo "\n[box]\nroot"@$driverIP >> $ANSIBLE_INVENTORY
Now that you have done the basic setup to be able to run ansible on the remote system. We have to install a few packets to be able to start docker with ansible. Here is a example ansible playbook. Ansible will need to have docker-py installed on the target host to be able to start docker containers. The file is saved as “ansible-docker-host.yml” due to a issue in pip the docker-py version had to be 1.1.0 .
- hosts: box
remote_user: root
sudo: yes
- name: apt install python-setuptools
apt: name=python-setuptools
- name: apt install python-dev
apt: name=python-dev
- name: apt install python-pip
apt: name=python-pip
- name: pip install docker-py
pip: name=docker-py version=1.1.0
Lets run the playbook to get the remote system installed with the needed to start docker with ansible
ansible-playbook ansible-docker-host.yml
The image used have have sshd installed username:root password:foobar. What will be done is to start a container named testing with image mad01/sshlab found on the docker hub, and the state of the docker container is started, the container port 22 will be mapped to the ec2 vm port 2222. A note here is that the docker-machine setup function will not have created a fireawall rule for that 2222 port on amazon, that is outside the scope of docker-machine atm.
- hosts: box
remote_user: root
sudo: yes
- name: testing container
name: testing
image: mad01/sshlab
state: started
pull: always
- "2222:22"
Lets now start the docker container on the remote vm.
ansible-playbook ansible-docker-start.yml
you can check that the docker container is running with “docker ps” on the local machine. to remove the aws ec2 vm you just run.
docker-machine rm box