jenkins test result dashboard

Minimal Jenkins test result dashboard

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on jenkins, react, dashboard, testing, and stats

backup of linux vps using gsutil

Backing up linux servers to google clound storage with gsutil using the storage option nearline. What is needed to do this is a google cloud accound. Start by creating a new project for backup. After that use that Project ID to configure gsutil in the next step.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on backup, google, and gsutil

selenium as a service in osx

Setting up selenium server as a service in os x that starts on boot. What is needed is a plist service file to start and take stdout and stderr and log the output. I will be using homebrew for install of the selenium server. in this example i have used a vagrant image of Yosemite you can find it here vagrant image.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on testing, selenium, jenkins, and osx

docker machine and aws in combination with ansible

Initial setup with ansible and docker-machine. In this case i have been using aws to run a docker host for me created with docker-machine. I had a goal to provision a ec2 box and have a few docker containers running in that ec2 vm. A note here is that the same way should work on any of the docker-machine driver there is nothing unique with aws in the way i have done this. From what i know you cant NOT use ansible on boot2docker, i have assumed that there is a full linux vm running.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on docker, docker-machine, ansible, and aws

sqlite3 in memory db for testing db functions in python

designing a app to be as testable as posible. When writing a application that you like to, write unit tests the best options it to always on everything written for a application to not be dependent on that the application is running. Since if we can import a function and muck or just test the isolated function. One example on this is a database function, and a database. In this example i will use sqlite3 as a example. sqlite have a option to start the db in memory. This is something is very useful since you like to have a clean state of the database for every test.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on testing, python, and sqlite

encrypted backup with arq amazon and s3 glacier

As most that have any knowledge of IT and tech. Backup is a big topic also encryption now in the later days when there have been a lot of talk about that our data can be read if we are not using encryption everywhere. Now when most of os have most of our life in a digital form the information that we store in our phones, computers are more then ever a target for criminals and the data is important to us. Not only that electronics to break and when that day comes none will be happy if all there personal data, files, photos are lost due to a broken phone or computer. This is why backup is such a important thing. Doing backup right is not that hard. running around with a external drive or usb memory is not a god option, as a main backup. You will forget to do it, the best is to have one or multiple incremental backups that is running in the background so you don’t have to think about all the time. You should of course try to do restores from the backups every now and then to be sure that they are working and running as expected.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on backup, arq, aws, s3, and glacier

my travel gear

Travel with a Minaal. I am using packing cubes to organize my clothes. When i am packing clean clothes i am roling them and packing them in the packing cudes. This stops somewhat wrinkled clothes. The Minaal it self is greate to have some weight in. Backpacks i have used before in a Mission Workshop Vandal. That one is grate but it’s heavy. Load in the Minaal works grate with a heavy macboook pro retina 15, since it’s close to the back the for some resoce it’s not fealing that heavy. Also having lot’s of small pockets to packing in is grate, Even some hidden ones like the one in the bottom of the main compartment. When going trough the airport security the laptop pocket makes it easy to just take out and put back again.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on travel, minaal, and minimalism

docker compose with selenium

Running a local setup with selenium hub with Firefox and Google Chrome nodes using docker-compose . Using docker-compose makes the setup even more convenient the using the docker --link commands. Starting and stoping the setup is just easy. Scaling up and down the number of Chrome and Firefox nodes is just a command to.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on docker and selenium

a theory of productivity

How to think about productivity. Lest take a example a math test. The test contains 20 problems, the total assumed time with no interruption to finish the test with all correct answers is 60 minutes. That is all god. Now lest assume that we mix in interruption in to the factor. At 5 times at random times you will get interrupted. The interruption will be to answer a random question, that will take 1-2 min to answer. You are then to return to the test. If we now assume that the interruption will be done so that you get interrupted when you are close to a answer. This interruption will result in 3 of 5 tests that you got interrupted no will be incorrect. For every interruption you also had to restart the current question you were on since you forgot the answer you almost had.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on productivity

html email with aws ses and boto

Sending html email with amazon ses simple email service using the python module boto.

Author's profile picture Alexander Brandstedt on amazon, aws, ses, python, and boto